Is Including a Privacy Manifest Mandatory for Third-Party SDKs?

We develop SDKs that are distributed as XCFramework to our clients. We seek clarification regarding the necessity of attaching a Privacy Manifest, especially in instances where our SDK does not interact with data that would typically be covered under such a manifest.

Additionally, in the scenario where our SDK's primary function is the transmission and reception of data, which may potentially include personal data, are we required to declare in the Privacy Manifest that we handle personal information? This query persists even when all personal data processing is executed on the server side.

From our current understanding, based on the information available at, it appears that SDKs are only obligated to have a signature, and incorporating a Privacy Manifest may not be compulsory. We would appreciate further insight or confirmation on this matter.

Document lists:

SDKs that require a privacy manifest and signature

My understanding from this document is that those SDK must have a privacy manifest and signature that Xcode will check.

Is Including a Privacy Manifest Mandatory for Third-Party SDKs?