Push notifications doesn't make a sound while received on iOS 17

Hi all,

More than a iOS dev i'm first of all a support tech.

My company develops and makes available to our customers three iOS apps like one who received 3,4k reviews on the AppStore.

Since many users of our apps upgrated to iOS 17 they started complaining their iPhones are not playing a sound anymore when a push notification is received.

Thought at first glance that it was a simple issue like the new "rebound" ringing playing less lounder than the usual "tri-tones". But i ran my tests and it's a fact: our applications doesn't ring anymore when push notifications are received (while other apps like Protonmail rings well on the same set-up).

Does any of you folks faced or are facing the same issue?

Is this a setting to do on each phone? Or can it be solved by improved development (I wish it could)?

Thank you very much for reading and feel free to ask any further infos.

Kind regards,


Perhaps the JSON intended to send our notifications to the APNs is no longer up to date?

Given that Apple changed with iOS v17 the audio file played when receiving push notifications and therefore the .caf file (formerly “tri-tones” to “rebound”)?

Unless I'm mistaken, the JSON must be done in this theoretical way and summarized in our apps:

   "aps": {
     "alert": {
       "title": "Your Notification Title",
       "body": "Your Notification Body"
     "sound": "notification_sound.caf",
     "badge": 1
   "custom_key": "custom_value"

If "sound": "notification_sound.caf" is written "hard" in our apps and servers rather than a correct file name or a variable given by Apple itself the APNs will refuse the old .caf file? So this will be the root-cause of the bug i'm facing?

Push notifications doesn't make a sound while received on iOS 17