Animated USD file | Starting position of the USD is not the same as first frame of animation

Hello all,

I am building for visionOS with another engineer and using Reality Composer Pro to validate usd files.

The starting position of my animated usdz, its position when it's first loaded, is not the same as the first frame of the animation on the usdz file

For testing, I am using the AR Quick Look asset 'toy_biplane_idle.usdz' which demonstrates the same 'error' we're currently getting with our own usdz files.

When the usdz is loaded, it is on the ground plane -

But when the aniamtion is played, the plane 'snaps' to the position of the first frame of the animation -

This 'snapping' behavior is giving us problems. We want the user ot see this plane in its static 'load' position with the option to play the animation. But we dont want it to snap when the user presses play

Is it possible to load the .usdz in the position specified by the first frame of the animation? What is the best way to fix this issue.


I downloaded the file and played it back in RCP, and the plane rises and falls smoothly to and from 0 over the course of the animation for me. Is it possible you accidentally altered the animation data at some point? Where did you land with this? I know it's been months but... still curious.

Animated USD file | Starting position of the USD is not the same as first frame of animation