AVPlayer can't resume after stalling

I have repeatedly checked if you limit the connection speed to a host with a video file (mp4), it brings that AVPlayer is stalled, but after you return the high speed connection to the host, the player does not resume playback. If you check the status, no errors, just the empty buffer:

AVPlayer.error is nil. AVPlayerItem.error is nil. AVPlayerItem.isPlaybackBufferEmpty is true AVPlayerItem.isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp is false

Even if you try to wait a lot of time nothing happens and tapping play button it doesn't help as well. The player is frozen forever.

Only if you call "seek" or call "playImmediately" method the player is unfrozen and resume playback.

It happens not all the time, maybe one time from four.

It seems like AVPlayer has a bug. What do you think?

AVPlayer can't resume after stalling