Where are the SceneKit WWDC videos..?

Hi there -
Where would a dev go these days to get an initial understanding of SceneKit?
The WWDC videos linked in various places seem to be gone?!

For example, the SceneKit page at developer.apple.com lists features a session videos link that comes up without any result, https://developer.apple.com/scenekit/

Any advice..?


Sometimes you can find the transcripts for deleted WWDC videos at archive.org.

But frankly, do you really want to start using an Apple technology in these circumstances? Have you looked at the alternatives?

Right... crickets.

So I suppose the gist of it is then

  1. SceneKit == dead
  2. RealityKit == modern, future-proof replacement

Could anybody from the mothership please provide any kind of guidance..


It's certainly not had a lot of development over the past couple of years but I think that's partly for two reasons:

  1. RealityKit has clearly been a priority due to the Vision Pro.
  2. SceneKit is already fairly mature and works well - although some things are fiddly.

SceneKit has a scene graph, PBR works, there are hooks for post processing (SCNTechnique), there is a way to overwrite rendering for an an object (SCNProgram or snippets) so you can basically do anything you want - but you need to be fairly experienced in rendering tech if you want to go out of the realm of the editor.

I use SceneKit all the time for hobbies and it works really well - docs could be a lot better but there is stuff out there.

SceneKit does not provide any VR/AR functionality so if that's a use case you can scrub it from your options.

@kemalenver Thanks for the feedback.

The fact that Apple seems to have removed most SceneKit WWDC videos is worrying to me, though.
Sounds like a pre-deprecation warning…


It’s just a mature product. I’m currently building a project with it. Nor are videos removed. It’s pretty cool, honestly.


Where are the SceneKit WWDC videos..?