I like to find a way to identify network volumes, and whether they're run by certain servers, e.g. specifically whether they're on a Synology NAS.
Reason is that Synology, while apparently supporting the Spotlight-over-SMB API, comes with a lot of bugs, requiring me to work around them when searching on those volumes with the macOS Spotlight API.
I could, of course, ask the user to "configure" each mounted volume in my software, but I'd rather do this automagically, if possible, as it's less prone to user mistakes.
So, my question is: Is there a way to learn a bit more about the server of a mounted network volume? E.g., if I could learn its IP address, I could try to connect to it via http protocol and then maybe get a useful response that identifies it as being from Synology.
Or, alternatively, can I tell which SMB volumes are served by a Mac, so that I can at least assume that those handle Spotlight calls correctly, while I assume anything else is buggy (so far, AFAIK, Synology is the only other SMB server that supports Spotlight search).
I've tried to find some data in the IORegistry, but that doesn't seem to store anything about network vols. The statfs
function doesn't seem to give me anything for that either, nor do the various fcntl
calls as far as I could tell.
I also checked with the DA apis, e.g.:
DASessionRef daSession = DASessionCreate (NULL);
CFURLRef furl = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, CFSTR("/Volumes/TheNAS"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
DADiskRef daDisk = DADiskCreateFromVolumePath (NULL, daSession, furl);
if (daDisk) {
CFDictionaryRef daInfo = DADiskCopyDescription (daDisk);
NSLog(@"%@", daInfo);
However, this only prints basic information:
DAVolumeKind = smbfs;
DAVolumeMountable = 1;
DAVolumeName = TheNAS;
DAVolumeNetwork = 1;
DAVolumePath = "file:///Volumes/TheNAS/";
Where, then, does Finder's "Get Info" get the smb path from, for example?