mediaPlaybackError callback never fires

Greetings Fellow Humans,

My player uses the v3 musickit-js library. I am trying to handle situations where a user tries to play explicit content in my player with an account that has content restrictions enabled. I don't see a mechanism to know if the toggle is set in the account. The only mechanism I see is to respond to a CONTENT_RESTRICTED error as handled by the callback to the function I provide as a callback to the mediaPlaybackError event.

I have attached many callbacks (like bufferedProgressDidChange) and those all work, but this one never fires.

music.addEventListener("mediaPlaybackError", onPlaybackError);


music.addEventListener(MusicKit.Events.mediaPlaybackError, onPlaybackError);

My onPlaybackError function, at least for debugging purposes, is:

function onPlaybackError(e) {

There are so many error conditions that are meant to be handled in this way but the callback never happens. Am I missing something? Why doesn't this callback fire?



mediaPlaybackError callback never fires