Customized camera can’t take photos on iPhone 15 Pro Max

When developing a custom camera for iOS, when the sessionPreset of AVCaptureSession is set to AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto, photos cannot be taken on the iPhone 15 Pro Max, but other devices are normal.SessionPreset settings and other enumerations can be shot normally. Please help Apple developers to determine the cause. In addition, I initially thought there was a problem with our code writing, but when I looked at some demos written by others, the same problem would occur when using the AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto enumeration and running it on iPhone15 pro max.

I am experiencing the same issue on iPhone 15 Pro. Have you found any fix for this?

Setting sessionPreset value to AVCaptureSession.Preset.high fix the issue but change image resolution also aspect ration to 16:9

Update!! This issue is fixed in the latest iOS release 17.2.1.

Customized camera can’t take photos on iPhone 15 Pro Max