XCode does not recognize my iPhone

I'm trying to run my app on my iPhone and XCode is unable to detect it.

Versions (as of time of writing, these are all the latest versions)

  • XCode: 15.0.1
  • iOS: 17.1.2
  • macOS: Sonoma 14.1.2

What I've tried

  • Updating all hardware to the latest versions.
  • Restarting all hardware.
  • Clearing cache/derived data.
  • Using different USBC ports/cables.
  • Using the XCode 15.1-Beta 3 (the latest beta)
  • Clearing trusted computers and re-trusting
  • Disabling Multipath Networking (solution for someone else on the dev forums)
  • Creating a brand new xcode project.
  • Disabling all wifi/bluetooth and reconnecting
  • Using different wifi networks
  • Calling mac support (they directed me back here)
  • Scouring forums

What happens

I start by disconnecting my phone from my computer, clear trusted computers, restart xcode, and start (basically) from a completely blank slate. First I open XCode to my project. Then I connect my iPhone via USBC. I see that XCode says "iPhone not eligible while pairing in progress" (or something like that). I see on my phone that I must trust this computer, I hit trust, I enter my phone's passcode, then that disappears on my phone, and in XCode the message about eligibility disappears. I then click on the device selector to choose between either a simulator or a hardware device and under hardware I only see a message that says "No eligible devices connected to my mac". If I open the "Manage Run Destinations" organizer I see all the simulators there in the simulators tab, but when I go to the Devices tab, I see nothing. Sometimes when I go through this process, I can get a banner to appear up top, but still no device shows up on the left. The banner will show me that it is indeed my iPhone, but it will be missing information like "Serial Number" or "Capacity". Here's a screenshot of what I see. Keep in mind, this banner up top does not always show up when I go through this process.

iPhone CAN be detected on my other laptop

When I do this exact same thing on my other laptop, everything works just fine. Here are the specs I'm running on that laptop.

(using the same cable/wifi network/etc)

  • XCode 15.0.1
  • macOS: Ventura 13.6.1
  • iPhone 17.1.2 (I'm using the same iPhone)

The only difference here being the macOS version. However, the problem started on my "broken" computer while I was running a previous major macOS version. This problem is actually what prompted my to do a system update to Sonoma.

Please for the love of god, halp!!!

Did you find a solution?

Are you on a VPN? Disconnecting from VPN solved it for me


For me, after a lot of rigar-a-marole(!), it was upgrade my mac to the latest OS!

I have brought in an old iphone and validated that the old iphone works on my laptop. To make this clear. The problem is between iphone 1 and mac 1. However, iphone 1 works with mac 2, and iphone 2 works with mac 1, but iphone 1 doesn't work with mac 1. So it is specifically between those two devices that the problem lies.

Having the same issue here after updating to Xcode 15.2 and an iPhone on iOS 17.2.1

SOLVED. The solution is to download the iOS simulator that matches your device. This is entirely unintuitive, since downloading a simulator infers you don't have a device. This is not an obvious solution to your device not showing up in Xcode.

SOLVED: XCode or Finder does not recognize my iPhone

I had the exact same problem. After wasting 2 on this, I have finally found the solution. Hopefully this helps someone.

Here are the things I have tried.

  1. Tried stop the USB related program from activity indicator and reconnecting the iPhone. See this thead. Didn't work for me anyway
  2. I have tried restarting iPhone and Mac, Cleared Derived Data, Cache and all the things which developer will do to fix this. Didn't work
  3. Started Follow these two instruction which contain basis troubleshooting apple mentioned. Here's instruction1 and instruction2. Both didn't work.
  4. Updated iPhone to latest verison (17.3.1). didn't work.
  5. Update Mac to lastest OS 14.3.1. didn't work.
  6. Make sure it's not issue with Cable. My cable and iPhone was working perfectly with other macbook pro. By doing this I was able to come to conclusion that issue is with macBook not my iPhone..
  7. Finally I have connected with Apple support(or they call themselves advisors) in a hope to get a solution to this. I was on chat/call with them for 6 hours. They keep transferring to other team and support staff keep asking the same troubleshooting steps which i have already mentioned on the above points. Complete waste of time. None of their solutions worked. I have mentioned their suggestions below if it helpful for anyone.
  8. Apple Support Team suggested to Logout of current User and create some test user and connect with iPhone which didn't work. Here an link of article on how to do that.
  9. Apple Support Team suggested me reinstall mac OS(data will still be in mac only OS will be reinstalled which took 2 hour). Didn't Work. Here article link on how to do that.
  10. Apple Support Team suggested me to Start Mac in safe mode. Which also didn't work. Article here to follow
  11. I'm hope that for at least some of the devs who follows this, get this issue fixed on their mac before reach the last step.
  12. Finally I gave up with apple support and decided to do Factory reset the entire MacBook after backing up important files to into drive. After formatting the entire mac now it's like buying new mac without any of data or application data. After that I have tried connecting with my iPhone and it finally WORKED. I have wasted 2 days on this issue. Hope this help someone going through the same.

In my case, I solved this problem by removing usb relevant app from Settings>General>LoginItems. After restarting, then Xcode recoginized my iPhone as a development device. Before being solved, my other old iPhone worked and iPad was also worked. Only my main iPhone didn't work. but It solved now for all.

Same issue here! With newest ios version. The bug is since upgrading to ios 17... Please Apple fix this bug!


My solution was to use an original cable from Apple. I was using some knockoff I got off Amazon but the new cable detected my phone instantly

I solved by removing my iPhone from the Run Destinations and adding it back again, unsing a cable. Perhaps wireless would also work.

It stopped working after updating to MacOS Sequoya Beta and iOS 18 Beta.

You can manage Run Destinations by clicking on "Manage Run Destinations" under the available devices and emulators list.

In my case, the problem was caused by an external display connected via USB. When I connected the iPhone 16 Pro with a USB cable, it appeared in Finder but not in XCode. The external display was made by LG and I was using it in clamshell mode.

Once I disconnected the USB connection to the external display, XCode was able to recognize the iPhone.

XCode does not recognize my iPhone