How to


In Apple Pay for iMessage, users can initiate an Apple Pay payment on iMessage. Once the user authorizes the payment, my endpoint receives the Apple Pay Token from Apple- this has the user's encrypted payment details. This is where i would need to integrate with a payment processor to accept the payment. Well, I am having trouble figuring out how to process this token payment.

According to this link, Stripe and other authorized payment processors are supposed to fully handle this token on their own? From my understanding I would simply be forwarding the apple pay token to Stripe. Unfortunately, stripe isn't accepting the payment token as valid and i am not sure why as i couldn't find documentation from apple nor stripe on how to process this (If anyone can point me to them, please let me know). I tried using the Stripe python package and passing in the token as the 'source' for ".charge" but it doesn't work as stripe doesn't understand.

Anyways, where am I going wrong here nothing else is working and I am not sure what I should do? Do i need to do something to de-encrypt the apple pay token, I am not even sure if I'd have the regulatory approval to do this. If anyone can point me to the correct Apple docs on integration instructions, I would appreciate it! P.S This is not for apple pay web or js integration.

How to