[Matter] homed always raise error in case of multi fabric scenario

Hello. I'd like to ask below issue.

I have two SmartThings hub and one Matter device. After I add it to the first hub, and then share this to the second hub with QR code, it always fails with below log. (SmartThings app shows both MPC and QR code when sharing a device)

  • with MPC code, it works fine
  • with QR code, it always fails in HomeUIService
default	23:15:16.895670+0900	homed	>>> [E:42896i S:51446 M:229068112 (Ack:46785785)] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse)
default	23:15:16.897723+0900	homed	Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001
default	23:15:16.897753+0900	homed	Failsafe disarmed
default	23:15:16.897789+0900	homed	Successfully finished commissioning step 'Cleanup'
default	23:15:16.897823+0900	homed	DeviceControllerDelegate Commissioning complete. NodeId 965088193 Status ../../../../../../../../Sources/CHIPFramework/connectedhomeip/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.cpp:1405: CHIP Error 0x0000007E: Trying to add a NOC for a fabric that already exists
default	23:15:16.897892+0900	proximitycontrold	< 91167F44>: Needs to restart ranging session as guest
default	23:15:16.897933+0900	homed	SecureSession[0xda63c2b50]: Moving from state 'kActive' --> 'kPendingEviction'
error	23:15:16.898150+0900	homed	Creating NSError from ../../../../../../../../Sources/CHIPFramework/connectedhomeip/src/controller/CHIPDeviceController.cpp:1405: CHIP Error 0x0000007E: Trying to add a NOC for a fabric that already exists
error	23:15:16.899257+0900	homed	[965088193/1870446891] CHIP Accessory pairing failed: Error Domain=MTRErrorDomain Code=11 "The device is already a member of this fabric." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The device is already a member of this fabric.}
error	23:15:16.901186+0900	homed	[188914BD-5163-425C-9E59-CAE9BFA1A288] Failed to stage CHIP accessory pairing for request UUID <private>: Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=13 "Accessory is already paired" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Accessory is already paired, NSUnderlyingError=0xda63f4600 {Error Domain=HAPErrorDomain Code=18}}
error	23:15:16.901587+0900	HomeUIService	[34760036-B05B-475C-9C00-592445A9A053] Failed to stage CHIP accessory pairing in steps: Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=13 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>, NSUnderlyingError=0x2824bac70 {Error Domain=HAPErrorDomain Code=18}}
default	23:15:16.901762+0900	homed	Answering incoming message HMASC.m.confirmDeviceCredential (795677CF-21ED-4E60-A5D5-3A7BF67BACCB) from client 'HomeUIService' that does expect a response with error Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=13 "Accessory is already paired" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Accessory is already paired, NSUnderlyingError=0xda63f4600 {Error Domain=HAPErrorDomain Code=18 "(null)"}}
default	23:15:16.902126+0900	HomeUIService	-[HSSetupStateMachineCHIPPartnerConfiguration stageCHIPAccessory]_block_invoke Staged CHIP accessory without stagedCHIPAccessoryPairingIdentifier as it is already paired.
error	23:15:16.902254+0900	homed	[188914BD-5163-425C-9E59-CAE9BFA1A288] tag="stagedPairingFailure" desc="Failed to stage CHIP accessory for request UUID" errorDomain="HMErrorDomain" errorCode="13" underlyingErrorDomain="HAPErrorDomain" underlyingErrorCode="18"
error	23:15:16.975718+0900	homed	Creating NSError from /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CHIPFramework/connectedhomeip/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/MTRDeviceController.mm:701: CHIP Error 0x00000003: Incorrect state
error	23:15:16.975922+0900	homed	[965088193/1870446891] Error: Error Domain=MTRErrorDomain Code=6 "Invalid object state." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid object state.}. Failed to establish a connection to the device for unpairing. The device will not be notified of removal
error	23:15:16.979939+0900	homed	Failed to remove keychain entry for accessory <HMDUnpairedHAPAccessory> - error Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=13 "Accessory is already paired" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Accessory is already paired, NSUnderlyingError=0xda63f4600 {Error Domain=HAPErrorDomain Code=18}}
[Matter] homed always raise error in case of multi fabric scenario