Delete Beta Tester API - Bug

Hi Apple team,

I am using the appstore connect API for adding and deleting Beta testers.

The Add tester API to Beta Group is creating a new resource ID - All good

The Delete tester API to Beta Group - All good


The List Beta Testers filter by email returns multiple testers entries and not just single resource.

This list will keep increasing and having resources created with empty apps and groups.

Ask: How can we remove the multiple entries from the list beta testers API as if i try using Delete Beta Testers API its returning 204 (No contents) and not (202 Accepted). Due to this the list goes huge for each add and remove in list user for single email.

Any solution how to remove multiple resource entries.

I aggree with OP. For sure the API method does not work correctly as the Beta testers entires are not removed. It deletes all relations, but the Beta tester stays in place.

Delete Beta Tester API - Bug