Face Anchor in Reality Composer: Enabling Ball Movement Based on Head Tilts

Using the face anchor feature in Reality Composer, I'm exploring the potential for generating content movement based on facial expressions and head movement.

In my current project, I've positioned a horizontal wood plane on the user's face, and I've added some dynamic physics-enabled balls on the wood surface. While I've successfully anchored the wood plane to the user's head movements, I'm facing a challenge with the balls. I'm aiming to have these balls respond to the user's head tilts, effectively rolling in the direction of the head movement. For instance, a tilt to the right should trigger the balls to roll right, and likewise for leftward tilts.

However, my attempts thus far have not yielded the expected results, as the balls seem to be unresponsive to the user's head movements. The wood plane, on the other hand, follows the head's motion seamlessly.

I'd greatly appreciate any insights, guidance, or possible solutions you may have regarding this matter. Are there specific settings or techniques I should be implementing to enable the balls to respond to the user's head movement as desired?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Face Anchor in Reality Composer: Enabling Ball Movement Based on Head Tilts