FitLock - Block apps/websites until health goals have been reached

Hi all,

Like many others, I spend way too much time mindlessly scrolling through my phone at pointless crap and not enough time doing things beneficial to me, like exercising, being outside and being present. After calculating how much time I was due to spend on my phone over my lifetime (around 24 years! 🤢), I decided to build something to try and combat this.



FitLock is a highly customisable app blocker that uses Apple Health and Screen Time to unlock whichever selection of apps you decide for a specified time whenever you reach your fitness goal via a number of different health metrics. Currently, you can set goals with step count, calorie count, exercise time, stand time, cycle distance and move distance. However, the plan is to add more in the future with the addition of support for wheelchair users.

Some examples of schedules you could create are: Unlock Instagram for 30 minutes each time you hit 2000 steps in a day, or, unlock a food delivery service on Friday if you complete an hour of exercise.

Features of FitLock….

- No account sign up. iCloud sync support will be coming.

- Blocklists and allowlists. Choose to either block specific apps, or with allowlists you can block all apps except a specified list

- Strict mode. Prevent being yourself from being able to delete FitLock or any other app whilst a schedule is active. You will also not be able to modify a schedule whilst it is active.

- Moderate mode. Not able to dismiss the Lock Screen, but you can modify the schedule if you wish.

- Lenient mode. You’ll see your health goal progress on the Lock Screen, but you can dismiss it if you really want to 👎.

- Stats. Compare historic health and screen time stats to see how you are progressing.

- Plus many more to come

I need your help…

I’m calling on you good people to help me test the beta version of the app and let me know your thoughts, how I can improve it, and any bugs/issues you find before the final release that will (hopefully) be next month.

To submit new feature requests I have a handy little feature board here:

Excited to hear your thoughts!

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