Color conversion matrix YCbCr422 and YCbCr420 10 bit to RGB

I need to know correct color conversion matrices for converting YCbCr422 and YCbCr420 10 bit video range sample buffers (BT.2020 color space) to RGB. AVFoundation framework mentions AVVideoYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_2020 which is a string constant. But I need to know the full matrix that can be used to perform color conversion. I have this matrix for full range BT2020, not sure if this is correct and what is the correct way to adapt it to video range.

     let colorMatrixBT2020_fullRange = ColorConversion(matrix: matrix_float3x3(columns: (simd_float3(1.0,  1.0, 1.0), simd_float3(0.000, -0.11156702/0.6780, 1.8814), simd_float3(1.4746, -0.38737742/0.6780, 0.000))), offset: vector_float3(0.0, -0.5, -0.5)) 
Color conversion matrix YCbCr422 and YCbCr420 10 bit to RGB