IAP webhook sending invalid receipts

We have noticed lately that a bunch of our receipts coming in from the Apple IAP webhook appear to be the older style receipts pre ios 7 that has the in_app array empty and doesn't provide a latest_receipt_info. Our app only supports iOS 15+ so not sure how these receipts are coming in.

I noticed a couple receipts that didn't have the latest_receipt_info initially when coming in, ended up getting a latest_receipt_info a few days later. We are trying to figure out what is causing this as it is messing up our IAP processing system. The receipts look like this.

    "receipt": {
        "receipt_type": "Production",
        "adam_id": <app_id>,
        "app_item_id": <app_id>,
        "bundle_id": "<bundle_id>",
        "application_version": "308",
        "download_id": <download_id>,
        "version_external_identifier": 859744352,
        "receipt_creation_date": "2023-09-12 23:58:47 Etc/GMT",
        "receipt_creation_date_ms": "1694563127000",
        "receipt_creation_date_pst": "2023-09-12 16:58:47 America/Los_Angeles",
        "request_date": "2023-10-06 14:54:57 Etc/GMT",
        "request_date_ms": "1696604097794",
        "request_date_pst": "2023-10-06 07:54:57 America/Los_Angeles",
        "original_purchase_date": "2022-10-05 13:05:53 Etc/GMT",
        "original_purchase_date_ms": "1664975153000",
        "original_purchase_date_pst": "2022-10-05 06:05:53 America/Los_Angeles",
        "original_application_version": "98",
        "in_app": []
    "environment": "Production",
    "status": 0

We are trying to figure out what is causing this and if it is an issue on our side or Apple's.

IAP webhook sending invalid receipts