In my app I have the option to enable a help screen. This is a new view that simply shows a .html file. It works fine until tvOS 16.1 In tvOS 17.0 the screen is blank.
Any ideas?
This is how it looks in tvOS 16.1
This is tvOS 17.0
textView.backgroundColor = SKColor.white
textView.isScrollEnabled = true
textView.clipsToBounds = true
textView.layer.cornerRadius = 20.0
textView.textColor =
textView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true;
textView.isScrollEnabled = true;
textView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = true;
textView.bounces = true;
textView.panGestureRecognizer.allowedTouchTypes = [NSNumber(value: UITouch.TouchType.indirect.rawValue)]
if let htmlPath = Bundle.main.url(forResource: NSLocalizedString("manual", tableName: nil, comment: ""), withExtension: "html") {
do {
let attributedStringWithHtml:NSAttributedString = try NSAttributedString(
url: htmlPath,
options: [.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html],
documentAttributes: nil
self.textView.attributedText = attributedStringWithHtml
} catch {
print("Error loading text")