Is there a delegate for the stop sharing button in Sonoma?

Hey team -- looking to receive a delegate callback in Sonoma for screencapturekit when the toolbar portion of stop sharing is called. Does this come through in any of these?

 @abstract stream:didStopStreamWithError:
 @param stream the SCStream object
 @param error the error denoted by the stopping of the stream
 @discussion notifies the delegate that the stream has stopped and the error associated with it
optional func stream(_ stream: SCStream, didStopWithError error: Error)

 @abstract outputVideoEffectDidStartForStream:
 @param stream the SCStream object
 @discussion notifies the delegate that the stream's overlay video effect has started.
@available(macOS 14.0, *)
optional func outputVideoEffectDidStart(for stream: SCStream)

 @abstract stream:outputVideoEffectDidStart:
 @param stream the SCStream object
 @discussion notifies the delegate that the stream's overlay video  effect has stopped.
@available(macOS 14.0, *)
optional func outputVideoEffectDidStop(for stream: SCStream)

Nevermind, answered my own question. Comes through in:

func stream(_ stream: SCStream, didStopWithError error: Error) {

Error Code=-3817 "The user stopped the stream" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The user stopped the stream}

Also for anyone seeing this in the future, the delegate callbacks from the WWDC video have been changed:

func stream(_ stream: SCStream, outputEffectDidStart didStart: bool) {
    // if Presenter Overlay is on, present banner in app to notify
    if didStart == true {
    } else {


func outputVideoEffectDidStart(for stream: SCStream) {}
func outputVideoEffectDidStop(for stream: SCStream) {}
Is there a delegate for the stop sharing button in Sonoma?