Sonoma 14.0: legacyScreenSaver with WKWebView malfunctions

Hey @eskimo or anybody who can help, we are on 14.0 beta 7 and screensaver bugs with Sonoma are still happening. In this case the bug shows up one or more monitors, for screensavers that use WKWebView internally.

The WKWebView will render HTML and JavaScript, but only partially:

  • video tags don't play unless you goose them with a hack
  • JavaScript SetAnimationFrame() fails
  • JavaScript SetInterval() only fires about once per second

These issues affect many third-party screensavers which internally use a HTML/CSS/Javascipt engine.

reported as FB13094564

There are a bunch of other legacyScreenSaver issues with Sonoma that aren't WebKit-related as well, but most of those we have been able to find workarounds for.


Answered by shalanah in 789219022

reported as FB13094564

Thanks for that.

I’m not tracking the macOS 14 beta screen saver saga in depth, but you’re definitely not the first person to bump into problems [1]. Some of those have been fixed and same are still in the process of being fixed. Your bug is too new for me to offer any useful insight.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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[1] For example

Can you elaborate on what you mean in your first point to "goose" your video elements? We have the same issue where videos only occasionally load/play and was wondering if there was a workaround.

I'm digging into this in more depth, don't have specific answers to all the issue yet, but am discovering some workarounds, and will post back when I have things sorted out. Feel free to contact me directly if you want info sooner - I'm active in a few places, including

don't know.... but looks like nobody cares.... :-( sad sad sad.... my own Screensaver doesn't work also... WKWebView is dead. Apple Dev is dead... Bug's -> who cares here... sad times S.

Just here to say this bug still exists. I do not understand allowing WKWebView but not allowing animations for a screensaver. Heard it may have something to do with document.hidden being set to true.

Please fix.

Accepted Answer
Sonoma 14.0: legacyScreenSaver with WKWebView malfunctions