Tensorflow Metal Malfunctioning Completely

I am just starting to learn neural networks.

If I run my code and try to fit a simple trigonometric function, the model builds a good-looking function.

If I pip install tensorflow-metal and run, I get a straight line not resembling the non-linear function at all.

if I uninstall metal, everything works again. Which suggests there is something wrong with metal.

Any help would be appreciated. I would use the metal acceleration for the next steps in my project.

Thank you

The tensorflow-metal plugin isn't well curated as far as I know as it's relatively new and might have some concurrency of memory management bugs and thus this perfomance issue. It is a well discussed issue in the tensorflow users community and all we can do is wait for it to get solved.

There is a possibility of the issue being on the tensorflow framework side for not communicating with the GPU in efficient way and thus leading to issues, in this case too we have to wait for a response from tensorflow side and this is the most likely cause of the issue

Tensorflow Metal Malfunctioning Completely