new classes .h .cpp Xcode, translate from Visual Studio

Good morning, I am very beginners student of openFrameworks. I'm following a tutorial trying to create a new class with openFrameworks but I cannot compile it in the right way. This because the tutorial I found in on Visual Studio and i'm working on a Mac with Xcode. This problem is blocking me and I cannot go on with the course. Can someone help me translate the code to create a new class from Visual Studio to Xcode? The language is the same, but the programme in this case is slightly different.

On Visual Studio the files are Class.H and Class.Cpp


#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

class ball {

public: ball();

void setup (ofVec2f initialPos, ofVec2f initialVel, float rad);
void update ();
void draw();

ofVec2f pos;
ofVec2f vel;
ofVec2f radius;



#include "ball.h"

ball :: ball();{


void ball :: setup(ofVec2f initialPos, ofVec2f initialVel, float rad); {

ofVec2f initialPos;
ofVec2f initialVel;
float rad;


//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ball::update()

{ pos += vel;

if ((pos.x > ofGetWidth ()) || (pos.x < 0)){
    vel.x *= -1;


if ((pos.y > ofGetWidth ()) || (pos.y < 0)){
    vel.y *= -1;


//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ball::draw(){

ofDrawCircle (pos.x, pos.y, radius);


On Xcode it is slightly different and I don't know how to translate it. Here is the setting for the two XCode pages CLASS.H and CLASS.M


// // Default Classes.h // default classes // // Created by Valerie Tameu on 23/08/23. //

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


@interface Default_Classes : NSObject



and CLASS.m

// // Default Classes.m // default classes // // Created by Valerie Tameu on 23/08/23. //

#import "Default Classes.h"

@implementation Default_Classes


Somebody can help me to traslate the code of Visual Studio here in XCode?

Thank you for the help!

What is the tutorial you are following?

I have not used openFrameworks, but your Visual Studio example has a C++ file, the .cpp file, and your Xcode file has an Objective-C file, the .m file. You either need a C++ file or an Objective-C++ file (extension .mm) to get the code to work, as I doubt openFrameworks supports Objective-C.

Have you gone through the openFrameworks Xcode setup tutorial?

You will have a better chance of getting an answer at the openFrameworks forums since I doubt very few people here use openFrameworks. I never heard of it until I read your question.

new classes .h .cpp Xcode, translate from Visual Studio