Unable to Add Default badges to File Icons in File Provider

I'm working with NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension for macOS app. I want to apply default badge on files(For example, com.apple.icon-decoration.badge.warning, com.apple.icon-decoration.badge.pinned, .. etc).

I am unable to see any badge when I open the folder mounted by the Extension.

I've defined NSFileProviderDecorations in NSExtension as follows :


I have implemented the class Item that's implementing the following Protocols :

NSObject, NSFileProviderItemProtocol, NSFileProviderItemDecorating

and when returning decorations for that item I'm just doing this :

class Item : ... {
    static let decorationPrefix = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
    static let heartItem = NSFileProviderItemDecorationIdentifier(rawValue: "\(decorationPrefix).cyfile")
    var decorations: [NSFileProviderItemDecorationIdentifier]? {
        var decos = [NSFileProviderItemDecorationIdentifier]()
        return decos

As far as i can tell I've completed all the requirements for getting the badge to show up.

Unable to Add Default badges to File Icons in File Provider