Uniquely Identify iOS Device

How to uniquely identify the device to prevent fraudulent activity in any financial Apps? since UUID also gets changed on every installation, is there any option to track the device like how it is done with IMEI number ?

Note: Our App is targeted for normal Appstore users.

Generally you can't; this is a deliberate choice by Apple to increase user privacy.

Right. Apple has an ongoing effort to deny apps access to persistent unique identifiers that are outside of the user’s control. For more about this, see… well… pretty much any WWDC privacy session over the last 10 years. However, IMO the most telling quote is the one I highlighted in the footnote of this post.

On the fraud prevention front, one good option is Sign in with Apple. However, I suspect that won’t work for you, in which case I recommend that you explore the options in the DeviceCheck framework.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Uniquely Identify iOS Device