Is it possible for EventKit Framework to trigger the Permission Alert of the Contacts?

We use Eventkit Framework to synchronize the meeting calendar to the system calendar, read the System Calendar with -[EKEventStore calendarsForEntityType:], Use - [EKEventStore saveEvent: span: commit: error:] wrote system calendar. This usage currently triggers the Contacts Permission Alert on a user. Through the log, we identified no use - [CNContactStore requestAccessForEntityType: completionHandler:] and Contacts API.

From Protect user privacy with information property list keys: To access a person’s calendar events or reminders through EventKit or EventKit UI, your app needs to include descriptions for the following if your app links to iOS 10 or later, and runs on iOS 10 through iOS 16:

NSContactsUsageDescription, as EventKit UI may need to access Contacts data to choose the correct display name or avatar for a contact in a calendar.

Warning If your app that’s linked on iOS 10 through iOS 16 doesn’t include these keys, your app crashes.

Is it possible for EventKit Framework to trigger the Permission Alert of the Contacts?