Issues with iOS 17 Public Beta - Siri Activation on iPhone and HomePod

Hello there,

I recently updated both my iPhone and HomePod to the latest iOS 17 Public Beta and have been encountering an issue with Siri activation. In particular, I am unable to activate Siri just by saying "Siri".

Specifically, I have adjusted the settings on my HomePod to allow activation via either "Siri" or "Hey Siri" (in my case, "Oye Siri", since I'm using Siri in Spanish). After saving these settings and rebooting all of my devices, I have found that Siri will not activate unless I use the full "Hey Siri" prompt ("Oye Siri").

I would expect that, following the update and the adjustment to these settings, I should be able to activate Siri just by saying just "Siri" but this does not appear to be the case. I would appreciate any assistance with rectifying this issue.

To summarize:

  • I've updated to iOS 17 Public Beta on all of my Apple devices.
  • The "Activate via "Siri" or "Hey Siri"" option is set to "Yes".
  • Even after saving and restarting, Siri only activates with "Hey Siri" ("Oye Siri").

If anyone has encountered similar issues or has any advice or potential solutions, I would greatly appreciate your input. Also, if you feel I should be reporting this as a possible bug in the beta software, please let me know.

Thank you all for your time and help.

Hello, you have to:

Step 1: Install beta profile Visit this page on the device paired with your HomePod, then tap on the Install Profile button below. Tap Allow. Tap on Install in the top right corner, then select the room where your HomePod is located.

Step 2: Open the Home app.

  1. Press and hold on your HomePod speaker, then select "Accessory Details" or go to Home App > Home Settings > Software Update.

2: Update your HomePod

and Step 3: Check ON in: Listen for "Siri" or "Hey Siri"

I hope, that its help :)

@tuskenr I believe I've made it clear in my original post that I've already installed the latest Beta version on all of my Apple devices. I've also enabled the "Listen for 'Siri' or 'Hey Siri'" feature.

Issues with iOS 17 Public Beta - Siri Activation on iPhone and HomePod