In iOS16,There was a crash when use [PHAssetCollection fetchAssetCollectionsWithType:subtype:options:]

On some iOS 16 mobile phones, it was found that there was a crash when using photo book to read the album. When the crash occurred, the console did not print any information. Through the xcodef stack, the crash occurred in the corresponding interface inside photo book, in the order of

  • [PLPrivacy logPhotosAccessWithSelfAuditToken],

-[PAAccessLogger log:],

_ pthread_ wqthread,

_ dispatch _ workloop_ worker_ thread,

_ dispatch_ lane_ invoke,

_ dispatch_ lane_ serial _ drain,

_ dispatch _ client_ callout,

_ dispatch_ block_ async invoke2,

-[PAAccessLogger log:]_ block _ invoke,

-[PACoalescingIntervalTracker coalesce:],

_ dispatch_ source_ set_ runloop_ timer_ 4CF,

I have the same error~

In iOS16,There was a crash when use [PHAssetCollection fetchAssetCollectionsWithType:subtype:options:]