AVPlayer, AVAssetReader, AVAssetWriter - Using MXF files

Hi, I would like to read in .mxf files using AVPlayer and also AVAssetReader.

I would like to write out to .mxf files using AVAssetWriter,

  1. Should this be possible ?

  2. Are there any examples of how to do this ?

I found the VTRegisterProfessionalVideoWorkflowVideoDecoders() call but this did not seem to help.

I would be grateful for any suggestions.

Regards Tom

That's possible, but you need the Pro Video Formats package installed and you have to call MTRegisterProfessionalVideoWorkflowFormatReaders() too. Probably you already found out, but if someone else needs this info now there is an answer.

AVPlayer, AVAssetReader, AVAssetWriter - Using MXF files