Current CloudKit pricing?

I've found old forum posts that reference CloudKit pricing based on usage (after exceeding the 'Free' tier). However, it doesn't seem that Apple has any information on any of their website that indicate what that pricing is, or otherwise the limits of a free tier.

The closest I've found to this is on where it says, "Store private data securely in your users’ iCloud accounts for limitless scale as your user base grows, and get up to 1PB of storage for your app’s public data."

So does this mean that the only CloudKit limits now are:

  • Private data: dependent on individual user's remaining iCloud storage space
  • Public data: 1 PB
  • Request count/day: unlimited
  • Download usage/day: unlimited

I'm being a little sarcastic, but at the same time, if there are still limits and a pricing structure, I'm really scratching my head as to why that doesn't seem to be published anywhere.

Ultimately, I'm trying to find the best, reliable public asset storage with cross-device usage (iOS, tvOS) solution and am weighing CloudKit versus other cloud storage solutions and their costs.

Side note: I'm kinda confused why CloudKit provides public asset storage in the first place, since I thought On-Demand Resources was intended to fill that gap (and ODR does have storage limits too).

I, too, have noticed that the pricing information seems to have been scrubbed from Apple's websites. Looking at my existing containers, it appears the public storage limits fall and rise based on active users. In the CloudKit dashboard, head over to Telemetry, Usage to see for yourself.

This is really frustrating. I’ve been trying to figure out if I can scale my transfer rate because it looks like I’m being throttled, but I can’t find anything.

Have you guys managed to find anything about this?

I am wanting to build an app with cloud storage, but before I just select one, I am wanting to know if CloudKit is going to be expensive in the long term.

I’m curious about the same thing. Is there no costs now? And is that sustainable or will it kick in at some point?

I’m considering adding photo attachments to public db storage in my app. I’d held off in light of the free limits a couple of years ago but thought I’d revisit the topic. Apple is doing us no favor by making the pricing info opaque. Has anyone found a resource for this?

Current CloudKit pricing?