Migrating ClockKit complications to WidgetKit not working

I've implemented delegate method suggested in the article https://developer.apple.com/documentation/widgetkit/converting-a-clockkit-app and double (even triple) checked kind and extensionBundleIdentifier of my StaticConfiguration But when I install the app version containing WidgetKit complications they don't replace old ones from ClockKit on the watch face. In the same time old complications are not displayed - I see empty slots. When I check setup in Watch app on the phone I see that old complications remain assigned. If I switch manually to WatchKit based they work fine.

It would be helpful if Coffee Tracker code example (referenced in WWDC video and documentation) become updated with migration code.

I am facing same issue in latest beta as well. Are there any solution?

I've found the Apple Watch Face Editor on iPhone is still not reliable when doing the WIdgetKit migration. See separate post here for details on that, any ideas welcome.

As for the migration, I'm having success with the getWidgetConfiguration in my ComplicationController which conforms to the CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator

I provide it the identifier for the widget configuration and I provide the Widget bundle extension identifier. Although I have widgets on iPhone and Apple Watch, I provide separate Extension targets and identifiers as I was struggling to get the right entitlements with a combined one. If there are any other details I can provide to help please let me know!


Not exactly the same problem as the author has, but still "WidgetKit complications not working".

After migrating to WidgetKit complications I can't make them update whenever data is changed in the main app. I've checked lots of docs and Apple sample code I was able to find, but neither mention what is the proper way to trigger WidgetKit complications timeline reload. With ClockKit we had a very clear way to do that. Any advice would be HIGHLY welcome!

Thank you! 🙇‍♂️

See my question for full details: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/735352

Migrating ClockKit complications to WidgetKit not working