XCode 14 compile errors immediately disappear or do not appear at all

I'm unable to use XCode 14 to develop my app because as soon as a compiler error is shown, it is immediately withdrawn from the Issue Navigator pane. This makes it impossible to see what is wrong. The errors are also immediately withdrawn from the editor.

This video shows 3 attempts to compile the project: after the first attempt no error shows, after the second attempt the error shows for a moment then is automatically removed (no mouse or keypress from me), after the third attempt same.


I have tried rebooting, and deleting ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData, to no effect.

Drastic measure (to make it at least somewhat usable): defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode IDEIndexDisable -bool true

Same issue here

Guys are you also experiencing this issue with a M1 chip as well? I found that executing Xcode with Rosetta avoid that bug to occur. Maybe we loose a bit of performance but it's much more convenient to debug

In your Application folder, find Xcode, right click on it, then select "Show info". Here check the "Open with Rosetta" box. Restart Xcode if it was already opened.

Everything works great again on my side

Same issue. As soon as I click an error it immediately disappears. Also happening in the latest Xcode 14.1 beta 3 version

Same issue for me using Xcode 14.0.1 😫 (intel mac, 5+ configurations, and cocoapods in use)

I have the same issue. Xcode 14.0 using SPM, no external package manager. Discovered soon after upgrade to Xcode 14. Getting around this by using the Report Navigator as mentioned, but it's super annoying to work this way. The issue is not present in smaller projects. Apple, please prioritise fixing this.

Please fix asap!!!

I'm experiencing the same issue on a M1 machine with Xcode 14.0.1 and Xcode 14.1 beta 3 (Cocoapods + SPM)

Please Fix asap.

Seems to be solved in XCode 14.1 RC

I'm having this problem too, still an issue on Xcode 14.1 RC. This is destroying my productivity at a time that I have some very tight deadlines, Please fix ASAP!

I opened the feedback: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/11709574

(Unfortunately our project is under NDA, but if you have an example project where the problem can be reproduced, please create another feedback and attach the example).

Facing same issue, Seems Apple not having UAT team at all for Xcode Always full of bug

Facing same issue, Seems Apple not having UAT team at all for Xcode, Always full of bug

I had the same problem and running sudo gem update xcodeproj in the Terminal fixed it for me. Only the newest version of xcodeproj (1.22.0) supports Xcode 14.0. This is the advice for projects that use pods.

XCode 14 compile errors immediately disappear or do not appear at all