Affiliate Platforms for iOS apps?

I want pay commissions to partners that promote our apps. So if they write a review on their website and a user clicks on the link to the App Store and buys a subscription, I want to know that it originated so I can pay them the commission.

Are there any Affiliate Marketing Platforms that support App Store sales?

Is this even possible to track the origin of a sale through the App Store?

Is there another way to track sales originating from promotion partners?

You can generate "campaigns".

In App Store Connect, go to "App Analytics", choose the app, then "Acquisition", then "Campaigns". Click on (+).

This will generate a "campaign link" which you can give to your partner web sites, and you'll be able to see what proportion of sales come via that link.

Note I've never used this. I don't know if it is useful for paying commission to those partner web sites, or whether it's only useful for approximately measuring the effectiveness of a campaign. In particular, you need to check if Apple filter the data for privacy: a lot of features in App Analytics rely on the users opting in, and only a minority do so, and then Apple hide some stats if the numbers of users is below a threshold.

Note if you do this, make sure that the partner web sites indicate somewhere that they are affiliates who get commission. This is a legal requirement in some places.

(Edited to add: note that even without this, the Analytics page can show referring web sites and apps; I see for example that a small proportion of my sales come from Google searches, some from links shared on Facebook etc. The advantage of the "campaign" links is that if someone copies&pastes the link from your affiliate web site to e.g. an email, then you see the original affiliate as the source of the sale, not just "email".)

About the "Campains" Can you also track how many users have made In-App Purchase? I'm asking because I want to find a way to pay commissions to partners only when a user doing an "in-app purchase"

@d_tsouk I am currently working on a potential SAAS solution to this issue and was wondering if you might be interested in being a candidate in a very early stage beta, I would love to focus on your specific use case and issues? Please reach out to me if you are interested through my LinkedIn or reply to this thread with how best to contact you

Tracking App Store sales from partner promotions is tough because most affiliate platforms still depend on cookies.

I encountered this challenge myself, so I developed a SaaS platform to tackle it. You can now set up affiliate programs in minutes, monitor sales, and effortlessly pay commissions to your partners.

Interested? Connect with me on LinkedIn: I'm here to help you get started.

Best of luck!

@d_tsouk quick update on my previous comment, Insert Affiliate is now live and we are inviting up to 10 early users to our exclusive private beta!

Here you’ll be able to:

  • Drive sales for your in-app purchases with your new affiliate program.
  • Increase your brand exposure through your affiliates without any risky upfront costs.
  • Nurture trust with your affiliates by operating with complete transparency.

Due to the restrictions of the forums I'm unable to post a walkthrough but it can be found at our website -

Affiliate Platforms for iOS apps?