Unreal Engine / Path tracer

I‘am architect in switzerland. In our office we use since 20 years only apple computers. And we love them! For our visualisations we also use twinmotion and unreal engine. One key feature the pathe tracer are not supportet for mac os. Some people say thats because apple wont support hardware accelarated gpu. Now im wondering if its on your roadmap? Or are you in discoussion with the decelopers from epic? Would be great to have this feature :) best Kevin

Hi KevinRub, Unreal Engine is not an Apple product. I would recommend reaching out to the developers of Unreal Engine.

Hello mmmetal, actually i did. they said the same thing in opposit. So my wish would be that our guys from both great companys get in touch and make graet things happen :)

From epic: "Note: Unreal Engine has implemented Apple's Metal API for using their GPUs. However, we have not implemented Metal' ray-tracing functions because Apple has not released any hardware accelerated ray-tracing support so far. The difference between hardware-accelerated ray. tracing and non-accelerated ray-tracing is the difference between rendering a single image in minutes instead of hours. We are researching ways to bring Apple computer users the speed and capabilities of our Path Tracer, so we are not waiting on Apple to solve this problem."

thats why i'm waiting m2 max


Svp j'attends désespérément de pouvoir utiliser Path Tracer avec mon Mac sur Twinmotion. C'est un vrai handicap professionnel dans le design intérieur! C'est vraiment dommage d'être poussé chez Windows par son concurrent... dépêchez-vous...!!!!


je suis architecte à la tête d’un bureau travaillant sur Mac depuis plus de 20 ans.

Je rencontre le même problème concernent le logiciel Twinmotion.

Nous devons changer nos machines et ne savons pas vers quel type d’appareil nous tourner.

y a-t-il une solution envisagée concernant la problématique de compatibilité avec le logiciel Twinmotion ?

Merci d’avance pour votre retour.


L. Colin

Please, apple, add path tracer. Make a deal with epic. Ray tracing on Twinmotion for M1/2 will be epic. Power is nothing without path tracer.

I agree, I have an M1 Ultra but can't do much with it because there's no support for hardware ray-tracing and Nanite. How can we get noticed by the Apple team? Is it on your roadmap? For me, it's a real deal-breaker. I really hope there will be support for such features in the nearest future.

Agreed, I have just purchased Macbook M1 chip and now I cant even use the full functionality of Twin Motion, incredibly frustrating, I have Apple everything! I am starting to question whether I should rather look at purchasing a different computer all together so that can actually use path tracer, really disappointing that Apple cant handle the path tracer, I really loved my M1 until this. Please apple, it's not just us asking, there is a MASSIVE community of people who need this in order to continue using your products in conjunction with the software we use to make a living. The constant question seen on all support groups for the software is all the same "when will apple be able to use pathtracer" "do I need to change what computer I use in order to use pathtracer?" etc

Hello specialists I have a customer who has been happily using Apple devices for decades. The problem here too is that he cannot work with Path Tracer with new Mac Studios and Twinmotion. How can we prevent users from having to switch to Windows systems? I am looking forward to your feedback.

Hi Kevin Do you have any news about this? Have you done anything? The thing is that apple customers are not only designers but also architects and me as a designer that is also staring to do architecture visualization is questioning Apple I'm wondering how many architects have switched to PCs cuz of this?

Metal already have all the required API to implement raytracing. So probably there is nothing preventing Epic or Twinmotion from implementing it in Unreal or Twinmotion. However, to get good performance you will have to wait for an Apple Silicon GPU with raytracing acceleration.

Please come on guys! It sounds like Unreal & Apple must get together and solve this one. PLEASE!! Imagine how good it might be to have Mac users fully engaged with Unreal.

I'm ready to go full Apple once the M4 Ultra Mac Studios become available. That said, I'm running a Windows 10 new PC and TM has never been a problem. Have a GeForce RTX 4080Ti. I hate Windows since 1989 and want a full architectural studio with Apple products. Just bought a MBP M3 a few months ago, but have not tried running TM on it yet.

Please, please give us Mac users the ability to keep up or pass the WinTel machines.

Unreal Engine / Path tracer