Impact of Disable Generate Debug Symbols

Hello there, i would like to ask a question related xcode build confinguration.

So i have create a Common.framework that i used in other project, because of the .framework file is quite large then i want to generate Common.framework but with Generate Debug Symbols is NO, and the result Common.framework size is reduced

The question is there any negative impact that will happen to my app that use Common.framework?

You should stick to Xcode's default build settings here:

  • DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT: DWARF for Debug builds, and DWARF with dSYM for Release builds

For a release build, this combination means that you'll still have symbols, but they are extracted to a separate bundle called a dSYM file. This way, your app is not consuming more space than it requires when released to your customers. The benefit to you for keeping symbols enabled is that you'll be able to debug the app — without this, you'll have less information in the debugger when working with your Debug build, and you'll be unable to symbolicate any crash reports coming in from your customers.


Can we set


When an app integrates our static library they keep getting a lot of warnings with this message below

 note: Linking a static library that was built with -gmodules, but the module cache was not found.  Redistributable static libraries should never be built with module debugging enabled.  The debug experience will be degraded due to incomplete debug information.

Impact of Disable Generate Debug Symbols