Is it possible to unload/change the PersistenceStore in a SwiftUI App during runtime


I want to activate/deactivate the CloudKit Sync during App runtime in a user settings view. Basically this works fine. Every time I toggle between the NSPersistentContainer and the NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, I increase the persistence.persistenceContainerReloaded attribute and the whole view hierarchy will be reloaded. Thus all changes are passed through the whole app.

During the reload phase I have to load a new persistence store by container.loadPersistentStores(...). Unfortunately, I cannot remove the old persistence store before loading the new one. The app crashes immediately, because the store and viewContext is still in use. Therefore, I just create a new one and trigger the reload. Afterwards every view is using the new viewContext. But somewhere in the background there is still the old persistence store with CloudKit Sync active and pushes every local change to the cloud. Changes on the cloud from other devices are not received anymore.

Does someone has any idea, how to correctly unload a PersistentStore (replace NSPersistentCloudKitContainer by NSPersistentContainer) in a SwiftUI based app?

struct TargetShooterApp: App {
    @StateObject var persistence: Persistence = Persistence.shared

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
                .environment(\.managedObjectContext, persistence.container.viewContext)

Hello! Have you managed to find a solution to this? It seems there is very little information about CloudKit Sync for SwiftUI Apps (

Hello! Have you managed to find a solution to this? It seems there is very little information about CloudKit Sync for SwiftUI Apps (

Hello! Have you managed to find a solution to this? It seems there is very little information about CloudKit Sync for SwiftUI Apps (

Hello! Have you managed to find a solution to this? It seems there is very little information about CloudKit Sync for SwiftUI Apps (

Hello! Have you managed to find any solution to this? It seems there is no working solution for CloudKit sync in SwiftUI app during runtime.

Not really. I found a way to unload and reload my persistence stores. But my App crashes because the old viewContext is still used in the view hierarchy.

Therefore, I tried to completely unload my root view (ContentVIew) by switching to another view. But the ContentView() won't be released from memory, even if it is not shown.

@StateObject private var appRootManager = AppRootManager()

var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            Group {
                switch appRootManager.currentRoot {
                case .splash:
                case .reloading:
                case .ready:
Is it possible to unload/change the PersistenceStore in a SwiftUI App during runtime