Xcode 12 Framework: 'Double-quoted include in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead'

I've got an iOS framework that I've had around for ages. It's a mixture of Objective-C and Swift.

Since installing Xcode 12, I'm now getting a bunch of warnings of the type:

'Double-quoted include in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead'

If I go to the various source files and say change:

Code Block
#import "Place.h"


Code Block
#import <VegasKit/Place.h>

then I get an error saying it can't find the file. If I try this:

Code Block
#import <Place.h>

then I get an error telling me to go back to double-quotes, i.e. undo the change.

Any idea what I can do to get this all setup correctly? Thanks.

I am experiencing this exact issue. Not sure how to resolve this now, short of setting the CLANG_WARN_QUOTED_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK_HEADER build setting to NO.
Did you managed to resolve your issue ?
I encountered the same issue but the compiler throws errors, not just warnings, so the build fails. I use Firebase which is at least partially written in objective-c. The errors occur in the nanopb-umbrella.h header file in the pod nanopb which is apparently a dependency of GoogleDataTransport which is in itself a dependency of Firebase. When I replace the import header angle brackets with quotes, the compiler complains that the quotes should be replaced with angled brackets. No idea how to resolve this issue.

I created a test project in Xcode 12 (the other one I began with Xcode 11 and I would like to continue supporting iOS 13 for a while..) and added all Firebase pods. The project builds without any problem. When I check the nanopb-umbrella.h file... I find quotes instead of angled brackets!
I tried to replace angled brackets with double quotes manually, but then the build fails again and the errors say 'expected angled brackets instead'. Very contradictory indeed....
Any hints in the right direction would be welcome.
This finally helped to solve the issue:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/
pod deintegrate
pod update


Although my app builds now in Xcode 12 beta 5, there are a lot of runtime errors suddenly that did not occur under Xcode 11.6... ok, this is a bit off-topic here.
Xcode 12 GM does this too. Has anyone found a reasonable fix???
Worked for me:
Code Block
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/
pod deintegrate
pod update

Code Block
CocoaPods : 1.9.3
Ruby : ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [universal.x86_64-darwin19]
RubyGems : 3.0.3
Host : Mac OS X 10.15.7 (19H2)
Xcode : 12.0.1 (12A7300)
Git : git version 2.24.3 (Apple Git-128)
Ruby lib dir : /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/lib

We have the same problem on Xcode 12.
This is because Xcode 12 expects to use imports with <> instead of "" on umbrella headers. Thus this is a cocoapods issue, you can find more info here.

The fix I used was using the latest version of cocoapods which has this fix, as for now 1.10.0.rc.1.
I ran into a similar issue when building my project in AppCenter. rgkobashi's solution seems to be the right answer

I already had this version on my local machine so builds were working fine. Then AppCenter kept throwing the OP's error. If you're getting this locally, upgrade CocoaPods. If your CI is getting this error, force the CocoaPods version to 1.10.0.rc.1.

In AppCenter that would be done by creating a appcenter-post-clone.sh file and adding these lines
Code Block
echo "uninstalling all cocoapods versions"
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods --all
echo "installing cocoapods version 1.10.0.rc.1"
sudo gem install cocoapods -v 1.10.0.rc.1

Please note that I am NOT using Cocoapods and simply drag-install the Firebase frameworks manually into Xcode, and still the same warnings appear. This means it's probably not a Cocoapods issue.

If the file is actually a framework header, include this line at the top of it:

#pragma clang system_header

See the relevant clang manual page for more information: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#controlling-diagnostics-in-system-headers

I had the same issue and this resolved it:

rm -rf ~&#x2F;Library&#x2F;Developer&#x2F;Xcode&#x2F;DerivedData&#x2F;
rm -rf ~&#x2F;Library&#x2F;Caches&#x2F;CocoaPods&#x2F;
pod deintegrate
pod update

Added a new pod target to a very old project. got that error. heres my steps that worked. I had to uninstall cocoapods completely it removed about 5 old versions and wiped the whole workspace file

sudo gem uninstall cocoapods --all
sudo gem install cocoapods

&#x2F;&#x2F;delete Derived Data - you could try just deleting the folder for your project but project only built when I wiped it all
rm -rf ~&#x2F;Library&#x2F;Developer&#x2F;Xcode&#x2F;DerivedData&#x2F;

rm -rf ~&#x2F;Library&#x2F;Caches&#x2F;CocoaPods&#x2F;

pod deintegrate

&#x2F;&#x2F;delete the *.workspace file

pod update
open workspace

The following did the trick for me:

rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/

rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/

pod deintegrate

pod update

I tried most things in this post but none work for me. My project was located in my iCloud/Documents folder and I suspected that maybe some files were having issues syncing with iCloud.

Anyways, I re-cloned my project into my user/ root directory instead to avoid any potential sync issues to iCloud and it seems to have resolved my issue. Hope this may help someone.

i had this issue all day today. i tried all kinds of things so not 100 percent on how i fixed it but, my project was on icloud and the framework project that gave me the issues was on my local drive. i moved the framework to the folder adjacent to my project on icloud and it worked.

i might of had the framework paths wrong and not looking into the original framework location but the paths are very hard for me to grasp :P

This is not just an issue with Cocoapods projects, and it's a compile error instead of a warning in Xcode 15.0.1. I was having this problem in a native macos application, where one of my application modules is a framework, and the framework module has a C header file referenced by two other C header files, also in the framework. In my codebase, the framework module is named IslepopAUFramework, and the three header files (all at the root level of the framework project) were coded as such:


#ifndef islepop_editapi_types_h
#define islepop_editapi_types_h

typedef enum {



#import "islepop_editapi_types.h"

//Edit API
void fire_the_engine();
void shut_it_down();
RustEditAPIResponse* send_command(RustEditAPICommand* command);
void free_response(RustEditAPIResponse* response);



#ifndef islepop_midi_1_0_bindings_h
#define islepop_midi_1_0_bindings_h

#import "islepop_editapi_types.h"

//CRUD operations for MIDI subscriptions.. or at least the CR and D:
RustEditAPIResponse* add_midi_subscription(int32_t patch_id, int32_t patch_unit_id, int32_t parameter_id, double_t range_low, double_t range_high);
RustEditAPIResponse* remove_midi_subscription(int32_t subscription_id, uint8_t message_type, uint8_t message_subtype);

RustEditAPIResponse* send_command_to_midi(RustEditAPICommand* command);
void free_midi_response(RustEditAPIResponse* response);


As noted at the bottom of this post (https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/69606), I had to add all of my C header files to the Headers section of the Build Phases tab of my framework target. I also had to change the #import statements in islepop_external_bindings.h and islepop_midi_1_0_bindings.h to angle-bracketed imports, as such -- notice that the angle brackets include the framework name, even though all of these header files are in the same place, at the root of IslepopAUFramework:

#import <IslepopAUFramework/islepop_editapi_types.h>

With these two changes, the error requiring angle-bracketed includes is fixed, and the compiler can actually find the header files.

Xcode 12 Framework: 'Double-quoted include in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead'