Total number of active IAP subscribers


We have an iOS app that uses In-App Purchase for auto-renewal subscription. We have Monthly subscriptions and annual subsciptions- all are auto-renewals. In iTunes Connect I can see the total number of subscription transactions being processed each month, but I can't see how many subscribers we're adding / retaining. there's no place where I can see what is the total number of active IAP subscribers.

Ideally, we'd like to be able to see:

- Total number of active subscribers
- How these active subscribers are divided between the diffrent products

- How many of them are during their Free Trial, and how many already made the first payment,

Any ideas on how to find this info - either from iTunes Connect or a third-party solution (actually I also use App Annie).



Hi Inon.

I want to know this info. Have you find the solution?

Thanks you.

A greeting.

Marta del Arco.

I would like to know about this too. I am moving into the subsciptions model.

Sadly, I can find little information about subscriptions, other than the WWDC video.

There is a report in iTunes Connect that shows active subscribers however I don't know if it includes users who have set the subscription to not renew but for whom the subscription period is still active.

I would also like this information. Here to bump this thread. Has there been any solution?

Total number of active IAP subscribers